Definition of Method
method comes from Greek that is metodos which meaning is the way of or walk.[1] In English referred as with the term
method which meaning is the way of.[2]
While by termilogical mean "the efficient and
effective way in doing something".[3]
To Harold B. Allen and Russel N. Campbell that method is an overall plan for
the orderly presentation of language material".[4]
According to Zakiyah Drajat, such with the method is a common and systematic
way especially in searching natural truth.[5]
Here in after Syaiful Bahri Djamarah express that method is a way of utilized
to reach the target which has been specified.[6]
Brumfit and Roberts
say that:
Method is a set of
teaching procedures or techniques assembled in accordance with the principle of
a certain approach to learning teaching, and used in conjuction with a certain
type of syllabus and materials, the sum of the teaching techniques used in a
given learning language or learning teaching situation.[7]
[1] Tayar Yusuf dan Syaiful Anwar, Metodologi
Pengajaran Agama dan Bahasa Arab, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1995), p.
[4] Harold B. Allen, Russel N. Campbell, Teaching English as Second
Language, (New Delhi: Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Company, 1978), p. 6.
[5] Zakiyah Drajat, Metodologi
Pengajaran Agama Islam, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1990), p. 12.
[6] Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Prestasi
Belajar dan Kompetensi Guru, (Surabaya: Usaha Nasional, 1994), p. 71.
[7] C.j. Brumfit and J.T. Roberts, A Short Introduction to Language
and Language Teaching, (London: Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd, 1983), p. 197.